President-Elect Message:
When I agreed to take on the KACRAO President-Elect role, I already knew 2020 was going to be a challenging year for me personally between work and life commitments amongst other things. Little could I have known the even bigger ride that was in store for all of us, and the life altering pandemic that would impact us all. I personally would never have imagined implementing a CRM from my bedroom by laptop, but here we are 2020. I know some of you have worked long lonely hours, struggled with illness, have been overwhelmed with racial and societal divides, taken on additional roles as K-12 educators in your households, and grappled with lost income, activities, and even anxiety to go to the grocery store, let alone on how to keep your campuses and students moving forward successfully.
As we head into this fall, we know 2020 will continue to look and feel different for us all. This Fall will not be the conference experience I had hoped to be able to help organize when I agreed to take on this role, but I believe there is still a tremendous opportunity for our community to rise up to meet the challenges we face together, to ready our profession for the next wave of the future, and to continue to write the history of this great organization. Now is the time more than ever for us to connect and to push forward our vocation, to advocate for our students, and to support one another.
Time to Get to Work:
I’m asking all of you my colleagues, former leadership, new to the profession professionals to all step up and to connect with each other and KACRAO, to help recommit, rebuild, and reconnect with each other, our community, and to work on the vision of the future. A call will be coming soon to ask for volunteers, from chair leadership to committee membership. You are all needed! Learn more about KACRAO committees and watch for registration for committee membership coming soon in September.
I know I personally am so grateful for the technology age we live in and that we have readily available to us the tools to allow us to continue moving forward. So as we head fully into the fall; rather than our “typical” conference experience, we will offer a series of free trainings in the simplest way we can to all of our membership. Bookmark and check the KACRAO conference webpage for sessions and topics. Zoom links will be sent via email through the listserv, as we wanted to offer the opportunity for all in the simplest manner possible without registration, apps, or additional stress if it can be avoided. Additional sessions and information will be added throughout the Fall.
2020 Fall Virtual Training Series:
08/26/2020-New Counselor Workshop 2:00-3:00pm
Welcome to KACRAO! Intended for first year Admissions Professionals, this session is about life in the Admissions Office. Good practices for recruitment as well as questions you will encounter and how to handle them are among topics discussed.
Facilitators: Megan Chambers, Butler Community College; Emily Spickler, Barton Community College; Amy Morris, Neosho County Community College
Zoom link:
Please save the following dates/times:
- September 3, 2020- 7:00pm-8:00pm- KACRAO: Raise Your Glass Social Hour
- September 23, 2020- 1:00-2:30pm- KACRAO Annual Meeting; Transition of Officers, Annual Awards
- September 25, 2020- 2:00-3:00pm- People of All Colors Succeed Founder -Jamie Grayson
If you have questions about KACRAO, want to be involved, have feedback regarding training needs, mentorship needs, or just want to visit please don’t hesitate to reach out. As you connect with each other and interact virtually don’t forget to take pictures and share your social media for this fall.
April Cozine
KACRAO President-Elect