ConstitutionARTICLE I. NAME passed October 2, 1992, amended October 1, 1993, amended October 4, 1996, amended October 1, 1999, amended September 1, 2001, amended September 27, 2002, amended September 26, 2003, amended September 28, 2008, amended September 24, 2009, amended September 30, 2011, amended September 27, 2013, amended September 26, 2014, amended September 21, 2017, amended September 26, 2018, amended September 25, 2019, amended September 20, 2023, amended September 25, 2024. ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be the Kansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (KACRAO), hereafter referred to as the Association. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE Section 1. The Association shall be a voluntary and non-profit professional educational association, affiliated with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). Section 2. The Association shall contribute to the advancement of higher education in its fullest and broadest aspects; promote the professional development of its members and the use of high standards of professional ethics (refer to Article X, Addenda); foster a spirit of unity, cooperation, and an exchange of ideas through meetings, workshops, and publications; and foster relationships with AACRAO and other professional associations whose objectives and purposes are consistent with those of the Association. Section 3. The Association’s funds shall not benefit any private individual or organization except for services actually rendered, goods actually purchased, or scholarships awarded. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership shall be either a. institutional, b. individual, c. associate, d. student, or e. honorary a. Institutional membership shall be drawn from college-level institutions based in Kansas who are authorized by the Kansas Board of Regents or the Kansas Board of Education to offer degrees. Such degrees shall be either four-year baccalaureate degrees or two-year associate degrees designed primarily to be part of a baccalaureate curriculum. 1. An institution with multiple campuses or centers in Kansas may choose to hold separate institutional membership for each campus or center. 2. Institutional member representatives shall be those professional individuals designated by member institutions and drawn from the offices of admission, records, registration, and any other enrollment management related areas. b. Individual membership shall be drawn from those administrative or professional personnel from member institutions who would not be eligible to be an institutional member representative. c. Associate membership shall be drawn from those individuals or organizations who have purposes parallel with those of the Association, who are not eligible for any other membership category, and who desire to participate in Association activities. d. Student membership shall be drawn from those students from institutional members who have demonstrated an interest in admissions, records, registration, or any other enrollment management related areas; and who are recommended by an institutional member representative. e. Honorary membership shall be drawn from those individuals who have contributed significantly to the Association but who are no longer eligible to be institutional member representatives. Section 2. Election of Members. All applicants for membership and former members (requesting reinstatement) shall file written applications with the Membership Coordinator. Application forms will include the applicant’s reason for wishing to join the Association and the applicant’s role and/or interest in post-secondary education. The Membership Coordinator shall determine eligibility of applicants for membership and promptly forward all completed applications to the Executive Council. An affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Executive Council shall be required to approve an application for membership. Membership becomes effective upon notification from the Membership Coordinator. Section 3. Voting/Service. All voting rights, eligibility to hold office, and eligibility to serve on Association standing committees are reserved to institutional member representatives. Each institutional member representative is entitled to one vote. No proxy or absentee votes are allowed at annual or special meetings. Section 4. Benefits. All members may participate in Association activities. Members will have access to the Association newsletter on the KACRAO website; other publications may be limited to institutional members or some other type(s) of membership, as determined by the Executive Council. Institutional and Associate members shall have access at no charge to the KACRAO College Planning Conferences calendar and be included on the invitation list. Student members will be charged 75% of the registration fee to attend the annual conference. Honorary members will not be charged a fee to attend the annual conference. Honorary members shall be notified of their benefits by the President. Section 5. Responsibilities. Every member is responsible for promoting and upholding the purposes of the Association. Participation in the annual conference and Association sponsored activities is both a privilege and a responsibility of membership. Section 6. Termination of Membership. Membership is continuous except for resignation, non-payment of fees, and/or termination of membership. Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Membership Coordinator, but such resignations shall not relieve the member so resigning of the obligation to pay any outstanding dues or charges. The Executive Council, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Executive Council, may terminate a member for cause (refer to Article X, Addenda: Code of Ethics, Statement of Good Practices, Statement of Principles of Good Practice). Evidence will be presented in an announced open session of the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall, in session, consider the charges, examine the circumstances presented by all parties, and reach a decision. ARTICLE IV. DUES AND FEES Section 1. Institutional Membership. The annual dues will be assessed to each institution on the basis of the unduplicated headcount reported in the Kansas Higher Education Enrollment report for the preceding fall. Annual dues shall be structured as follows: lowest for institutions with an enrollment of less than 1,000; next lowest for an enrollment of 1,000-4,999; next highest for an enrollment of 5,000-9,999, and highest for an enrollment of 10,000 or more. Section 2. Individual/Associate Membership. The annual dues for these classifications will be established in accordance with Section 4. Section 3. Student/Honorary Membership. There are no annual dues required of student or honorary members. Student members will be charged 75% of the registration fee to attend the annual conference. Honorary members will not be charged a fee to attend the annual conference. Section 4. The dues schedule will be reviewed by the Audit Committee at least every five years and recommended changes forwarded to the Executive Council. Any recommended changes must be posted on the KACRAO website thirty calendar (30) days prior to the annual conference and then approved by the majority of those institutional member representatives present and voting at the annual business meeting. Dues approved at that time will go into effect for the next invoicing cycle. Section 5. Membership fees for the January 1 – December 31 fiscal year are due and payable by December 31 preceding the fiscal year. There will be no more than three invoices sent between September 1 and December 31. Any member who fails to pay annual dues by December 31, after receiving the third invoice from the Membership Coordinator, could lose its membership and associated privileges. A new application for membership will be required for reinstatement. Section 6. Annual Conference and Other Association Activity Fees. Individuals participating in the annual conference and in other Association activities shall pay a registration fee if applicable. The Executive Council approves conference and other Association activity fees. Section 7. Publication Fees. Approved Association publications are available for purchase through the Treasurer. The charges for them will be established annually by the Executive Council. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS Section 1. The elected officers of the Association shall be President, President-Elect, most Immediate Past-President, Vice President for Association Services, Vice President for Outreach, Vice President for Professional Development, Secretary, Treasurer-Elect and Treasurer. Additionally, two Advocates at-large, one representing each of the professional areas of the Association, shall be elected. All elected officers shall uphold and promote ethics and good practices of the profession and the Association. Officer terms begin at the conclusion of the annual business meeting and ends at the conclusion of the next annual business meeting. a. The President shall: 1) serve as the elected chief executive officer of the Association; 2) serve as presiding officer at the annual business meeting, at all meeting of the Executive Council and as an ex officio member of all Association committees; 3) attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers; and 4) implement all provisions of this constitution. The President may delegate duties to individual members. The President shall assume office after one term as President-Elect and shall serve a one-year term of office. No individual shall serve two consecutive full terms as President. b. The President-Elect shall: 1) assist the President, chair the Executive Council in the President’s absence, and in the event of the President’s inability to serve; 2) assume the duties of the President without consequence to the ensuing term as President; and 3) serve as the Chair of the Program Committee and provide leadership and direction to the Local Arrangements Committee. After a one-year term, the President-Elect shall succeed to the presidency of the Association. No individual shall be eligible for nomination as President-Elect until they have served at least one year on the Executive Council. c. The most immediate Past-President shall 1) serve as the chairperson of the Awards and Accolades Committee and the Nominations and Elections Committee; 2) involve former leadership of the association in mentorship; 3) promote opportunities to strengthen organizational visibility; 4) facilitate the review of and actions on violations of ethical principles and practices of the Association; and 5) conduct special projects as assigned by the executive council. The Past-President will also serve as the Parliamentarian for the Association. d. The Vice President for Association Services shall: 1) serve as Membership Coordinator; 2) provide leadership and direction to the Historian/Constitution Coordinator, the Publications Committee, and the Technology Coordinator; 3) encourage and facilitate collaboration between the service areas of the Association; 4) encourage membership in the Association; and 5) assist the President as requested. The Vice President for Association Services shall serve a two-year term; no individual may serve full consecutive terms as Vice President for Association Services. e. The Vice President for Outreach shall: 1) serve as legislative liaison—keeping abreast of legislative issues that affect the Association, the Admissions/Records fields, and higher education in general; inform and involve the membership in legislative advocacy; and seek proactive involvement in HE issues; 2) provide leadership and direction to the College Planning Conference Committee, the Scholarship Committee, the Planning for College Coordinator, the Corporate Liaison, and the Apply Kansas Coordinator; 3) communicate to membership through contributions to the Current newsletter and web updates; 4) serve as member of the Program Committee; and 5) assist the President as requested. The Vice President for Outreach shall serve a two-year term; no individual may serve full consecutive terms as Vice President for Outreach. f. The Vice President for Professional Development shall: 1) be responsible for the New Counselor Workshop at the annual meeting of the Association; 2) provide leadership and direction to the Summer Drive-in Workshop Committee, the Admissions Advocate-at-Large and the Records/Registration Advocate-at-Large; 3) recommend, and coordinate as needed, professional development opportunities for Association members; 4) serve as a member of the Program Committee; 5) recommend the registration fee for professional development activities; 6) provide at least one article per year for an AACRAO publication or newsletter; and 7) promote free best practice and training materials available through AACRAO throughout the year. The Vice President for Professional Development shall serve a two-year term; no individual may serve full consecutive terms as Vice President for Professional Development. g. The Secretary shall serve as the recorder for the Executive Council meetings, for the Association’s annual business meeting(s) and other special meetings as called by the President. The minutes should be distributed to the Executive Council within thirty (30) calendar days of the meetings(s). The Secretary shall serve a one-year term. No individual may serve consecutive full terms as Secretary. h. The Treasurer shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Association with authorization to pay Association bills. The Treasurer shall maintain Association financial records and be bonded. The Treasurer will prepare, at the direction of the Executive Council, an Association budget to be posted on the KACRAO website thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the annual business meeting and present the Association financial report at the annual business meeting. The Treasurer shall be elected to a one-year term as Treasurer-elect in which to shadow the current Treasurer. The Treasurer will then serve a term of two years beginning on January 1 of that year; no individual may serve consecutive full terms as Treasurer. i. The Admissions Advocate-at-Large and Records/Registration Advocate-at-Large shall: 1) provide advocacy for the designated professional area; 2) be responsible for staying abreast of issues and best-practices in the professional area; 3) be responsible for conducting surveys related to the designated professional area as needed or requested; 4) serve as a member of the program committee and contribute sessions for the designated professional area; and 5) facilitate town hall meetings at the annual meeting of the Association. The Advocates-at-Large will serve a one-year term. No individual may serve consecutive full terms as Advocates-at-Large. a. Elections of the President-Elect, Vice Presidents, Advocates, Secretary and Treasurer-Elect shall be from institutional member representatives and shall take place during the annual business meeting of the Association. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those institutional member representatives present and voting at the annual business meeting. Elected officers, with the exception of the Treasurer, shall take office at the close of the annual business meeting at which they are elected. b. Candidates for an Association office must be nominated by an institutional member representative, themselves, or by the Nominations and Elections Committee. A slate of candidates (one for each office to be elected) shall be presented to the electorate of the Association at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the annual business meeting by the Nominations and Elections Committee. The following will be considered when selecting a candidate: service to the Association, professional ability and experience, and written recommendations(s) from an Association member(s). The slate of candidates should reflect a balance of related professional areas, type of institutions in the Association, and institutional member representative characteristics. Additional candidates may be nominated from the floor at the time of the election. All candidates for elected office, with the exception of the Advocates-at-Large, shall have completed at least one year of service on the Executive Council or as a coordinator or committee chair. Section 3. The Executive Council shall be empowered to fill a vacancy in any elected office, with the exception of the President-Elect, by a majority vote of the Executive Council members present. In the event of a vacancy in the President-Elect office, the President will assume the responsibilities until a special election can be held (refer to Article VII.). Filling a vacancy does not constitute a full term. Section 4. Any member of the Executive Council may petition the council for removal of an officer or committee chairperson from office. Removal should be exercised for failure to perform assigned responsibilities. Evidence will be presented in an announced open session of the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall, in session, consider the charges, examine the circumstances presented by all parties, and reach a decision. A two-thirds vote of all members of the Executive Council is necessary for removing the officer or chairperson. The President shall preside over the proceedings unless the President is being considered for removal from office. In that event, the President-Elect shall preside. The secretary shall record and take minutes of all proceedings. Vacancies created through this action shall be filled by the Executive Council with the exception of the President which will be filled by the President-Elect, and the President-Elect which will be filled according to the provisions of Article V., Section 3. ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES Section 1. Executive Council a. Purpose: To direct and administer the business of the Association, conducting the day-to-day activities of the Association as directed by the Constitution. b. Membership/term of office: The eleven elected officers (President, President-Elect, most Immediate Past-President, Vice President for Association Services, Vice President for Outreach, Vice President for Professional Development, Advocates-at-Large, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect) will serve as members of the Executive Council. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article V., Section 3 and Article VI., Section 2c and 3c. d. Responsibilities: 1) To establish policies and procedures for the association as directed by the constitution; 2) to develop the Association budget; 3) To act on applications for membership; 4) To oversee the activities of the coordinator areas and standing and ad hoc committees; 5) To keep the Association informed of activities and actions of the Executive Council and Association committees; and 6) To solicit requests for, and approve, future sites for annual conferences. Section 2. Standing Committees a. Purpose: To assist with Association activities as directed by the Constitution and/or by the Executive Council. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: The chairperson is appointed by the President-Elect and the members by the chairperson. The chairperson serves as a contact person to the Executive Council and the Association. Membership should be drawn from institutional member representatives and selected to reflect a balance of related professional areas type of institutions in the Association, and institutional member representative characteristics. No more than two members from the same institution can serve on the same standing committee at any one time with the exception of the Local Arrangements Committee. The term of office for chairpersons will be for one full year, unless otherwise indicated in Article VI., Section 1b, with the chairperson serving as a resource person for the committee for the next full year. The term begins at the conclusion of the annual business meeting and ends at the conclusion of the next annual business meeting. c. Vacancies: Vacancies that occur during a term of office of a chairperson will be filled by appointment by the President. Vacancies that occur during a term of office of a committee member will be filled (if determined appropriate and/or necessary) by the chairperson. All members of the Audit Committee will be appointed by the President. d. Responsibilities: 1) To perform duties as delegated by the Constitution and/or Executive Council; 2) To report committee activities and actions to the Executive Council and to the Association; 3) To develop a committee budget, to work within the approved budget, and to propose the next year’s budget; and 4) To attend meetings and the annual conference. e. Exceptions to the Article VI., Section 2b and 2c general guidelines may exist; refer to specific committee descriptions that follow. f. There are ten (10) Standing Committees: 1. The Awards and Accolades Committee a. Purpose: To aid the Association in recognizing individuals who have significantly contributed to the Association and/or to the philosophy it represents. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 2b. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office. The Chairperson shall be the most Immediate Past-President of the Association. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committees, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To receive nominations for, and to recommend to the Executive Council for recognition, individuals who have significantly contributed to the Association and/or to the philosophy it represents; and 2) To prepare and aid in presenting the appropriate recognition for such individuals. The awards and recognition may include but are not limited to: honorary membership, distinguished service, certificate of appreciation, and the Equal Educational Opportunity award. 2. The College Planning Conference Committee a. Purpose: To provide college planning conferences and related activities for Kansas high school students. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Sections 2b and 2e. The term of office of the committee chairperson is not to exceed three consecutive one-year appointments. Members of the committee are designated as regional coordinators by the committee chairperson. Two advisory members may be appointed, one by the Kansas Association for Counseling and Development and one by the Kansas Secondary School Principals Association. When possible, the Chairperson should have two years’ experience on the CPC Committee. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committee, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To plan, approve, and coordinate college planning conferences and activities in Kansas; 2) To develop, implement and monitor operating policies and procedures for college planning conferences and related activities; and 3) To report documented infractions of operating policies and procedures to the Vice President for Outreach. 3. The Local Arrangements Committee a. Purpose: To provide appropriate facilities for the annual conference. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Sections 2b and 2e. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office. Chairperson will be appointed in consultation with the host institutions for the next annual conference by the President-Elect. Chairperson will serve as a member of the Program Committee. Chairperson will select committee members as appropriate from the host institutions(s). c. Vacancies: Refer To Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committees, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To arrange for appropriate facilities for the annual conference; 2) To coordinate facility arrangements for the annual conference with the Program Committee; 3) To perform other duties deemed appropriate and pertinent for the arrangements for the annual conference; and 4) To recommend the registration fee for the annual conference. 4. The Nominations and Elections Committee a. Purpose: To secure a slate annually of nominees for the offices of President-Elect, Vice President for Association Services, Vice President for Outreach, Vice President for Professional Development, Secretary; and biennially for Treasurer-Elect. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 2.b. Standing Committees. The Chairperson shall be the most Immediate Past-President of KACRAO. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committees, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To seek nominations for elected offices from the membership; 2) To have posted on the KACRAO website the slate of officers thirty (30) calendar days prior to the annual business meeting; 3) To present the slate of officers and conduct the elections at the annual business meeting; and 4) To conduct other special elections as directed by the Executive Council. 5. The Program Committee a. Purpose: To plan the professional program of the annual conference. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Sections 2b and 2e. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office: The chairperson will be the President-Elect; the Vice President for Outreach, Vice President for Professional Development, the Admissions Advocate-at-Large, the Records/Registration Advocate-at-Large, and the Local Arrangements Committee chairperson will be members of the committee. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committees, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To ensure that the annual conference program presents a variety of topics; 2) To secure appropriate speakers for the annual conference program; and 3) To plan and present information and programs related to equal educational opportunities. 6. The Publications Committee a. Purpose: To serve the communication needs of the Association through electronic newsletters and other media. b. Appointment/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 2b. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committee Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To produce and distribute electronically at least quarterly the Association newsletter; 2) To maintain and distribute the Association electronic templates for letterhead paper, envelopes and KACRAO logos and any other official Association images; 3) To review and edit materials of the Association prior to publication; 4) Assist the VP of Professional Development to provide at least one article per year for an AACRAO publication or newsletter 7. The Scholarship Committee a. Purpose: To foster knowledge and awareness of the Association for high school administrators, students, parents, and the general public and to manage the scholarship program of the Association. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 2b. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committee, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To recommend the criteria for scholarship eligibility, the selection process, publicity campaign, and award procedure; 2) To implement the publicity campaign, application, and selection process as approved by the Executive Council; 3) To determine the number and size of scholarships and recommend to the Executive Council the recipient(s); 4) To explore and recommend to the Executive Council alternative and/or supplemental funding sources and investment strategies; and 5) To maintain the Equal Educational Opportunity scholarship list. 8. The Summer Drive-in Workshop Committee a. Purpose: To plan and promote a workshop each summer for support staff in Admissions and Registrar offices of the Association. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 2b. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committees, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To provide a yearly professional development workshop for the Association and its support personnel; 2) To recommend the registration fee for the workshop; and 3) To insure that the workshop addresses timely issues relevant to the Association and its support personnel. 9. The Audit Committee a. Purpose: To provide support to the Treasurer and President with regard to the financial activities of the Association. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: The Audit Committee shall be made up of a Past President, Past Treasurer, Past LAC Chair, and a member-at-large. The members serve a two-year term, with one member serving the second of their two years as chair. The two years should be staggered to ensure continuity and experience within the committee. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committee, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To conduct, in association with the Treasurer, an annual audit of the finances of the Association; 2) To review proposed budgets for future conferences and submit to the Executive Council with an endorsement or suggested changes; and 3) To review, in collaboration with the Vice President for Association Services, the membership dues structure and recommend needed changes. 10. The New KACRAO Workshop Committee a. Purpose: To provide support to new Association members through the New KACRAO Workshop at the annual meeting and throughout the academic year. b. Appointments/memberships/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 2b. Standing Committees, Appointments/membership/term of office. The chairperson shall be the Vice President of Professional Development. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 2c. Standing Committee, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To conduct the New KACRAO Workshop at the annual meeting. 2) To provide an updated version of the New KACRAO Workshop Manual to new members. 3) To regularly contact new members throughout the academic year. Section 3. Coordinators a. Purpose: To assist with Association activities as directed by the Constitution and/or by the Executive Council. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Each coordinator is appointed by the President-Elect. The coordinator serves as a contact person to the Executive Council and the Association. The term of office for coordinators will be for one full year, unless otherwise indicated in Article VI., Section 1b, with the coordinator serving as a resource person for the next full year. The term begins at the conclusion of the annual business meeting and ends at the conclusion of the next annual business meeting. c. Vacancies: Vacancies that occur during a term of office of a coordinator will be filled by appointment by the President. d. Responsibilities: 1) To perform duties as delegated by the Constitution and/or Executive Council; 2) To report activities and actions to the Executive Council and to the Association; 3) To develop a budget, to work within the approved budget, and to propose the next year’s budget; and 4) To attend meetings and the annual conference. e. Exceptions to the Article VI., Section .3b and 3c general guidelines may exist; refer to specific coordinator area descriptions that follow. f. There are six (6) Coordinators: 1. The Historian/Constitution Coordinator a. Purpose: To solicit, review, prepare, and propose constitutional changes and to facilitate the preservation of the history of the Association. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 3b. Coordinators, Appointments/membership/term of office. The Historian/Constitution Coordinator shall serve a two-year term and shall have been a KACRAO member for 3-5 years minimum. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 3c. Coordinators, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To maintain the current copy of the Association Constitution; 2) To provide copies of the constitution to all new members; 3) To receive suggestions from the membership, Executive Council, coordinators and standing committees for constitutional revisions; 4) To prepare constitutional revisions for Executive Council review; 5) To submit constitutional revisions to membership for review and approval; 6) To have constitutional revisions posted on the KACRAO website thirty (30) calendar days prior to the annual conference; 7) To have the authority and responsibility to make editorial changes in the constitution; and 8) To ensure retention of historical records of the Association online and in association archives, including but not limited to past presidents, past conference sites, past award recipients, and actions/decisions of the Executive Council. 2. The Membership Coordinator a. Purpose: To respond to inquiries about membership. To handle membership applications and dues; and to maintain current membership and address information on members of the Association. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Sections 3b. and 3e. Coordinators, Appointments/membership/term of office. The Coordinator shall be the Vice President for Association Services. d. Responsibilities: 1) To research membership applications and forward applications, information, and recommendations for approval or disapproval to the Executive Council; 2) To invoice and collect membership dues annually; 3) To prepare annually the information for the membership directory; 4) To provide membership lists/labels for the Association as requested by officers, the Executive Council, and/or coordinators/committee chairs; 5) To provide membership lists/labels for non-Association requests as approved by the President; 6) To assist the Audit Committee in review of the dues structure at least every five years. 3. The Technology Coordinator a. Purpose: To assist the Association with regard to technological applications and issues. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 3b and 3e, Coordinators, Appointments/membership/term of office: The Technology Coordinator shall serve a two-year term. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 3c, Coordinators, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To administer and to facilitate the maintenance of the Association’s technological applications as assigned by the Executive Council; 2) To recommend policies and procedures for the Association’s technological applications to the Executive Council; and 3) To bring technology issues to the Association. Coordinator must have technical experience. 4. The Corporate Liaison/Coordinator a. Purpose: To establish and maintain relationships between the Association and corporate sponsors/vendors. b. Appointment/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 3b and 3e. Coordinators, Appointments/membership/term of office. The Corporate Liaison shall serve a two-year term. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 3c. Coordinators, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To establish a list of statewide, regional and national corporations as past and/or potential partners/sponsors; 2) To secure vendors to exhibit at the annual meeting of the Association and to advertise on the Association website; and 3) To seek sponsorship for needs of the Association, including but not limited to scholarships and special activities of the membership. The Corporate Liaison shall serve as a member of the Local Arrangements Committee. 5. The Planning for College Coordinator a. Purpose: To coordinate the Association’s Planning for College program b. Appointment/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 3b. Coordinators, Appointments/membership/term of office. The Planning for College Coordinator shall serve a two-year term. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 3c. Coordinators, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) To train members with at least one year of experience to conduct Planning for College presentations; 2) To maintain a list of trained members; 3) To communicate with high school counselors regarding the availability and scheduling of Planning for College presentations; 4) generate and distribute (paper or electronic) newsletter to high school counselors in Kansas once per year; and 5) To maintain records of Planning for College presentations. The Planning for College Coordinator shall be a certified presenter. 6. The Apply Kansas Coordinator a. Purpose: To serve as a liaison to the Apply Kansas staff. b. Appointment/membership/term of office: Refer to Article VI., Section 3b. Coordinators, Appointments/membership/term of office. The Apply Kansas Coordinator shall serve a two-year term. c. Vacancies: Refer to Article VI., Section 3c. Coordinators, Vacancies. d. Responsibilities: 1) Assist with coordinating Apply Kansas activities which help students apply for post-secondary education. Section 4. Ad Hoc Committee a. Purpose: To perform the designated and specified charge/service for the Association. b. Appointments/membership/term of office: The chairperson and committee members will be appointed by the President. Membership will be selected as appropriate for the charge assigned and/or service to be provided but, as much as possible, will reflect a balance of related professional areas, type of institutions in the Association, and institutional member representative characteristics. The term of office will be determined by the President. c. Vacancies: Vacancies that occur during the term of office will be filled by appointment by the President if determined appropriate and/or necessary. d. Responsibilities: 1) To thoroughly investigate and/or perform the charge given by the President; 2) To provide status reports regularly to the President; and 3) To adhere to budget provided. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS Section 1. The date of the annual conference shall be determined by the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall select the meeting site with due regard to geographic rotation and economic feasibility. In case of emergency, the Executive Council shall be empowered to advance, postpone, or omit the annual conferences; in such case, the time between annual conferences shall be counted as one (1) year of all Association officers’ and committees members’ terms. Section 2. Special Meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive Council upon written notice of the agenda to the institutional member representatives at least thirty (30) days prior to the called meeting; business will be limited to that described in the published agenda. Section 3. Association business shall be conducted at the annual business meeting by the institutional member representatives present and voting. Except for constitutional amendments, decisions shall be made by a majority vote. Each institutional member representative is entitled to one (1) vote. a. The adoption of any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority vote if notice was circulated to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the annual business meeting. If distributed less than thirty (30) days in advance, a vote shall be taken by ballots mailed by the Constitution Coordinator to each institutional member representative within thirty (30) days of the annual business meeting, and a two-thirds majority of all ballots returned is required for approval. b. Official business to be conducted at annual business meetings shall include, but not be limited to: 1. reports from officers and committee chairs, with action as may be appropriate, including adoption of the budget and resolutions. 2. voting on proposed changes in dues structure and/or constitution. 3. election of officers 4. announcement of next term committee chairs Section 4. The meeting of the Executive Council shall be called as needed by the President. A majority of the members of the Executive Council shall be present in order for official business to be transacted. These meetings shall be open and announced to the membership. Decisions shall be reached by a simple majority vote of those present; except for decisions on the election of members (refer to Article III, Section 2), termination of membership (refer to Article III, Section 6), or removal of an officer (refer to Article V, Section 4). Section 5. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary procedure for conducting the Executive Council meetings and all business meetings of the Association. The Past-President shall serve as the Parliamentarian. ARTICLE VIII. SPECIAL ELECTIONS Section 1. A special election may occur during a special meeting (refer to Article VII, Section 2). The President shall determine the need and agenda for a special election. A two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting (except for dissolution of the Association, refer to Article XII) is required for action taken as a result of a special election. A notification will follow such an election to inform the Association membership of action taken as a result of the special election. Section 2. A special mail election shall occur only if an election cannot occur at a special meeting. The President shall determine the need and agenda for a special mail election. A two-thirds majority vote of the ballots returned (except for dissolution of the Association, refer to Article XII.) is required for action to be taken as a result of a special mail election. A notification will follow such an election to inform the Association membership of action taken as a result of the special mail election. ARTICLE IX. ARCHIVES Official records of the Association shall be archived at a member institution designated by the Executive Council. The KACRAO Historian shall ensure that the appropriate records are archived each year. ARTICLE X. ADDENDA Addenda are approved by the Executive Council. Addenda to this constitution shall include, but not be limited to: Application for Membership form(s) Code of Ethics: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Statement of Principles of Good Practice: National Association of College Admissions Counselors Officer Nomination form Annual Dues Structure Procedures for Inquiry into Alleged Deviations from Ethical Principles Not for Profit Articles of Incorporation KACRAO Statement of Non-Discrimination ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any institutional member representative and submitted to the Constitution Coordinator. Section 2. Approval of amendments . . . see Article VII., Section 3. ARTICLE XII. DISSOLUTION Section 1. Any proposal of dissolution shall be submitted by the Executive Council to the institutional member representatives at least thirty (30) days in advance of the vote and will require a simple majority of all institutional member representatives for approval. Section 2. Upon approval, an official audit of the Association financial records will be conducted under the direction of the Executive Council, and all outstanding liabilities paid. Section 3. Any remaining assets will be distributed to one or more not-for-profit post-secondary educational institutions selected by the Executive Council. Section 4. The archives will be transferred to the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers office, or another organization/institution designated by the Executive Council.