Hello All! I hope 2020 has been treating everyone well!
I just wanted to share a couple items from the Executive Council, Coordinators & Chairs.
The Glenn Lygrisse/KACRAO Scholarship application is on our website! Four (one per school type) $500 awards are available, which may be used at KACRAO member institutions. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is March 15, 2020 so be sure to share the scholarship information with your colleagues, any High School counselors with whom you work, and, of course, your prospective students.
The AACRAO Annual Meeting will be held this year in New Orleans April 5-8. If you plan to, or are considering to, attend the AACRAO Annual Meeting, please let me know so that I have a more accurate count for our KACARO reception! If you can please respond by Monday, February 10, I would greatly appreciate it! Respond to [email protected].
Our next Executive Council Meeting will be held on Monday, February 24th from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on the campus of Wichita State University. All members are welcome to attend!
If you have not had the opportunity yet, make sure you join our Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/KACRAO.KS/
Thank you,
Tana Cooper