Volunteer to serve KACRAO!!

Volunteer to serve KACRAO!!
Our organization is only as strong as our members who serve it!
Volunteering in professional organizations such as KACRAO is a great way to grow as a professional: to stretch beyond your day to day role, to learn and connect more with colleagues from around the state, to advocate for our profession and to give back to our community. Learn more about our KACRAO committees and join one today at https://www.kacrao.org/committees. If you would like to visit more about what it might be like to join or lead a committee before completing the volunteer registration form, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly, I’m happy to visit with you about your interests!
We are still in need of several coordinator positions such as technology coordinator, corporate liaison, and scholarship committee chair. Please let me know if you might be interested. I know for me I’ve met some of the greatest professional supporters that I have had, through my professional networks such as KACRAO. Get involved today!!
April Cozine
KACRAO President-Elect
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