April President's Letter

KACRAO Members,

On behalf of KACRAO, I am reaching out for many reasons. 

  1. Checking in to see how you all are doing?  Know that if you need anything, please feel free to reach out to myself or your KACRAO family members.
  2. To tell you all that you are doing a great job and keep going!  (Yes, you…I am talking to you!) We are one day closer to getting to the other side of this craziness! Take everything one day at a time. 


The KACRAO Executive Council met Friday to discuss a few items as they relate to upcoming conferences and attendance. On Saturday an email was sent to the contact email address for each Institutional Membership contact soliciting feedback via a survey about attendance at the upcoming drive-in and annual conference. It was sent to only one email address at each institution to ensure we received the information only one time. If you do not believe your organization received this survey please reach out to your institutional contact or contact me. 


We have begun planning for both events, however, we want to make sure financially as an organization we will be able to fulfill our commitments while being fiscally responsible, and providing the best service we can.  Also, we want to know if they were offered in a virtual setting, would that make a difference in your attendance.

Here is a little bit of information about both events:

Summer Drive-In Information- Will take place July 15 or 16 and would be in a virtual format.

KACRAO Annual Conference- Will take place Sept. 23-25 in Olathe. Registration cost will be $150 and hotel rooms cost $159.

The Executive Council will hold a special virtual meeting on May 4 to review these results. This is an open meeting, as all Executive Council meetings are. If you would like to receive the log-in information for the meeting please let me know by May 3rd at 5:00.

Stay tuned for more information!



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